Tuesday, March 6, 2018

On the particularities of brain - body connection

I have been reading a lot about the brain and its workings recently.  It fascinates me how this organ that is 1/50 [1] of our body consumes 25% of our energy and has a neural network with connections more than the number of stars in the galaxy.

What is more interesting for me these days are the behavioural associations between brain or more specifically memory, and the body. Kahneman [2] discusses multiple experiments about this where he shows that the certain memory connections in our brains can be enforced by certain physical activity and the vice versa. For instance thinking about old age (i.e. related concepts) makes us walk slow and doing a physical activity associated with old age makes us recognize words related to old age better.

Then if you look at this TED talk [3] from neuroscientist Wendy Suzuki, this is shown clearly. In fact she switches her research area to connection between physical activity (exercise) and our mental well-being (in all senses). She basically shows that with a personalized physical training we can improve our brain's functionality and prevent the development of brain related diseases in the long-term...

So, what are you waiting for, go and do some physical exercise :))

Stay tuned...  

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brain-to-body_mass_ratio
[2] Thinking, Fast and Slow,  By Daniel Kahneman, 2011
[3] https://www.ted.com/talks/wendy_suzuki_the_brain_changing_benefits_of_exercise#t-734351