Monday, June 25, 2012

Changing Background Color of an Image in GIMP

Recently I needed to use a simple picture in my presentation. However, the picture had its own background color which was annoying for the presentation template. What I did is the following:
1. I opened the picture in GIMP.
2. There is a nice set of selection tools in GIMP. I used scissor selection tool to choose the relevant parts of my picture.
3. Pasted the selected tool to a new file without background color...

That is it. There is a nice tutorial about the subject here:

Friday, June 15, 2012

Deforestation and dynamic world forest coverage view

It is sad that the deforestation is still a problem despite the global awareness of environmental concerns. I was caught up with the fact that Ireland, a country that continuously gets rain, has relatively very small forested area. Starting from this point, I came by this link and I wanted to share...