Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Passing command line arguments to MacOSX Applications with GUI and more

Several days back, I was working on a Latex document by using Texworks. The people who used Texworks would know that it is quite useful editor with simple but smart features. One of the main drawbacks of Texworks is (perhaps it is the same for most of Latex editors) it is quite difficult to configure the colors of various components such as background. Background color is quite important as it covers most of the editor surface (and so effects the eyes)... \\

From that point I started looking for ways of changing background color of Texworks and came by this link here :
It explains how to modify the background color of Texworks (which is a Qt application) by playing with some qt parameters... But I had to pass the parameters (i.e. CSS file) to Texworks from command line (which is an Application in my MacOSX). Then I found this link which explains a very simple way of doing it :

That didn't finish the story yet :) Then I started pondering around the colors, their effects on us... Which colors are more relaxing, disturbing, natural etc etc. Here is a good link that discusses the issue. It seems the tones of green and blue are more relaxing...

Stay tuned.