I am right now visiting MIT, W3C group and really busy with the work. So a valid excuse is at hand for long entry breaks on the blog. From now on I will try to update more frequently because it seems like I have a short memory and this place can serve as a flashback for the future.
At the beginning there were pains of getting used to the place, environment, people and missing the things left behind. Now they are almost ok (after almost 3,5 weeks). Now the time is for productivity and fun. There are thousands of things to discover. I like learning but I realized I am not efficient in learning may be because of the quick focus loss. I have to heal this. But I am learning very much.
And I realized the importance of being a decision maker. I was complaining about making decisions especially with the rough ones. Now I see that being a decision maker is just great. I mean you have the choices first and you select first. You have your own responsibility, you know what is better for you. It is all about the perspective. Yeah I am the great decision maker.
It has been many different environments I have seen till now (with fairly long periods). They were totally different environments from what I had used to. I think now I have a better picture of the world. But I have to go to Asia more (Japan, China, India), some Africa (Maghreb countries) and Australia.
Lets see and discover...
Stay tuned.