Saturday, October 14, 2017

Asymmetric (Encryption vs Signing), Digital Signatures and so on...

There is a duality between the use of PKI when performing asymmetric encryption and signing. As very nicely summarized here, encryption (enables one way private communication in case there is only one pair in place) uses the public key to encrypt and private key (there is only one holder) to decrypt, and signing uses the private key to encrypt and public key to decrypt. The former provides more of confidentiality while the latter provides authenticity (origin confirmation), integrity (no modification introduced) and non-repudiation (prevent denial cases : only receiver can open with sender's public key and only from the sender must come because of her private key.

This tutorial is a good one for XML signatures and this tutorial is good to JSON Web signature...
There is also this tutorial on the use of keytool (from Java runtime) to manage keys, certificates, keystores etc...

Stay tuned...

Monday, October 2, 2017

Content Negotiation in Spring Web Applications

Here are some links about the issues related to the use of RequestMapping (PostMapping, GetMapping etc) : Stack Exchange Link

The main issue is when a client (e.g. through Apache HTTP client) sends requests to a servlet with the relevant parameters (here be careful where parameter is posted: in the header or the body, see here and here) the servlet will receive/process the parameters according to a pre-agreement...

Spring framework provides useful functionality and annotations (e.g. PostMapping) to automate/shorten all content negotiation related stuff. See here.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Spring MVC Apps with Eclipse and Maven

If you are not a long time developer of Java servlet applications with Spring tools, it is exhausting to go around and spot what is necessary for developing a dynamic Web application with Eclipse by using Spring MVC. Of course if your application development goes hand to hand with maven development/configuration, it will be great.
Here is a great starter for this (note : based on crunchify tutorial):
- You first create a dynamic Web project in Eclipse (see here
- Then you convert the project to Maven project from (right click) Configure/Convert to Maven Project
- Create a Spring configuration file (usually yourproject-servlet.xml). Here you can also use annotation driven view resolving rather than a URL-based. To do that just add "" to your *-servlet.xml file...
- Generate a deployment a descriptor (web.xml) and configure this file. As it is with other servlets this file provides the mapping (among other info) between URLs and servlets. Spring maps the URLs to DispatcherServlet. If you are using Eclipse and started your project as a dynamic Web project, sometimes this file is not generated. But fear not! You can generate a stub file by right clicking your project and choosing Java EE Tools --> Generate Deployment Descriptor Stub ...
- Define your Spring controllers.

- Compiling through Maven : Run as / Maven Build
- Running through Eclipse (make sure you installed Tomcat as a server in Eclipse): Run as / Run on Server.

Good luck.

Ps: This here is also a pretty good reference. 

Monday, July 24, 2017


This is a good post about bitmasking (efficient way of representing subsets of a set) :